Monday, November 14, 2005


Joshua is coming back tonight from Virginia! He's been gone for a week, and even though I have kept busy and he's been busy in Virginia, I am so ready to have him home. I'll pick him up in about three hours.

Considering the past week, it has been especially difficult, but I know that the Lord's timing was perfect with Joshua being out in Virginia. Nevertheless, I'm excited that he is almost home.

By the way, we will be out in Virginia for Christmas in 37 days!

1 comment:

Anne said...

i know how you feel, not wanting to be without your husband... i remember when Caleb was working LONG hours and sometimes i wouldn't see him for a few days. i felt so incomplete! there's a reason God gives us these men - we couldn't live without them! i hope we get to see y'all sometime during the holidays!