Saturday, December 29, 2007

Jackson's antics...Harrison's patience...

Harrison, our 7 yr old black tri Australian Shepherd, is the most patient dog I've ever had or encountered. He plays and teaches Jackson ALL the time. Ever since he was a puppy, I've been working with him so that he is not over protective of his food dish.

Well, now I am having to protect Harrison from the 11 wk old Jackson who thinks Harrison's food must be better than mine.

Thankfully, Harrison has a LOT of hair so when they are playing and Jackson is really ripping into Harrison, all he really is getting is hair. The most hilarious thing is that after they are done and Jackson wants to take a nap, he literally is coughing up Harrison hair balls or has grown whiskers courtesy of some part of Harrison's anatomy.

More to come later....

1 comment:

Kinsleys5 said...

How wonderful to see you have a blog! I'll have to try to keep up. Your doggies are just super adorable!