Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baby food made E-A-S-Y...

Now the trick is to get Josiah to eat and enjoy all of it! :O

For Mother's Day, Carrie received this wonderful Baby Food Cookbook from Josiah's adopted Grandma Kay Vallerga. We have found it so helpful and it's kind of fun trying different foods and how they are made, i.e. pureed, into baby food.

So far, we've made sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green beans w/ mint, peaches, apples, pears, cherries, zucchini, carrots and cauliflower.

Note to self: cheaper isn't always better! :) We decided to buy carrots in bulk at Costco. Unfortunately, they weren't sweet baby carrots and Josiah got this awful expression everytime we tried feeding him the "new" carrots. We junked those carrots and went back to the Trader Joe's sweet baby carrots.

Also, springing a tart food on a young'in isn't probably the best idea in the world. We got some awesome Bing cherries. Wow, they tasted awesome...let's just say that Josiah still hasn't acquired the taste for Bing cherries. :)

Anyway, life is an adventure and the first born, as Carrie and I know too well, are the guinea pigs! :) Oh well, just more stories to tell later down the road.

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