Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finished reading...

Carrie and I just finished reading Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. It is a novel regarding the Persecuted Church in China. There are definitely some literary liberties that Alcorn takes in the book that don't exactly line up with my understanding of Scripture though I was definitely intrigued by the plight of the Persecuted Church in Restricted Access Countries like China, Sudan, Iran, etc.

I have been researching legitimate organizations those purpose is to get God's Precious Gift into the hands of eager believers.

Here are two that I have found and would encourage everyone to get involved:

Bibles Unbound

Open Doors USA

Carrie and I are committed to get as many Bibles to believers in Restricted Access Countries that we can! Will you join us!

If you can't give financially for Bibles, then pray for the Persecuted Church.

Secret Believers

Just remember:
The best gift to give is the gift of God's Word!

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