Friday, April 07, 2006

Dogs are so funny...

Joshua is currently down in Anaheim for a science teachers conference that he is attending because his school asked that the teachers for 7th grade science attend. He has been gone since Wednesday, and Joshua will come back tomorrow night. Anyway, it is very evident that our dog Harrison misses Joshua greatly. On Wednesday when I got home, Harrison was glad to see me (so he could go outside and eat his dinner), but once that was done, he moped the rest of the night and wasn't interested in playing. Thursday and today, he is better, but Harrison made me think of the one of the "Anne of Green Gables" books. The book is about her children when World War I occurred. One the boys went off to war, and his dog faithfully stayed at the railway station until his arrival. Sadly, for the dog, the boy never came back as he was killed in action. Harrison is definitely not that attached, but he still shows devotion to Joshua. He will be very glad when Joshua is home. I will be very glad as well!


Janice Phillips said...

No! Dog Friday was Jem's dog and never left the train station when Jem left. When Walter died, he howled all night long. But when Jem finally returned from the POW camp, Dog Friday was there waiting for him and a happier dog you never did see!

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Ok, I was wrong. It has been several years since I read the book.

Janice Phillips said...

If they ever made a movie of Rilla of Ingleside, I would be sooooo happy. But they should do Rainbow Valley first and then Rilla as a part 2 since it's kind of about them when they all grow up.

Anyway, not that I'm a big LMM fan or anything. ;-)