Monday, April 10, 2006

We will be moving!

Last weekend, Joshua and I learned that our house hunting is over - we finally got a house! The house is located in Sacramento, about a mile from our church, and on the same street as one of our friends. Joshua looked at the home on Tuesday afternoon, and he called me right away to ask me to meet him to see it. From the outside, it doesn't look that great. However, the inside is being completely remodeled, and it has great potential for raising a family and entertaining. So, that night, we made an offer, and between Wednesday and Friday, the details of the contract got ironed out. Both of us are excited about our new home! We should be closing the middle of May and moving shortly thereafter.

The ironic thing about the house is that it has been on the market since January, when we started looking. However, the only picture available on MLS was a very truthful picture of the front, and as the bushes and shrubs are overgrown, there is not much to see. I am thankful that Joshua decided to look at the house, and we are both grateful that the Lord answered our prayers!


Leah said...

YAY! What a blessing to be near your church and friends. We are so happy for both of you!


J said...

Wonderful news! Having the outside of the house look a bit rough saved it for you to have!

Good luck on getting your house set up!

Amy K said...

That's awesome, Carrie! I wish we could be here to see it ... we'll have to make sure that happens on a future visit.

We rejoice with you guys!