Monday, August 27, 2007


Since the end of June, we've found ants in different parts of our house. At first, it wasn't a lot; just a few here or there. However, for the past couple of weeks, they have decided to take up residence in our kitchen! First, I found them on one shelf of our pantry. So, I moved everything out, sprayed, cleaned up, and reorganized that shelf. The next day, the decided to go to the top shelf of the pantry. So, I cleaned again. Since then, they have found the cabinet above the refrigerator, crawled across the counters, gone under the sink, and gotten into the cabinet with all of the spices. I found some more this morning on the water picture, so when I get home tonight, I'll be cleaning the picture and checking again for ants.

I hate ants!


Daniel said...

You missed the ant parade when you were in Italy! They were marching around the rug in your study...for no apparent reason...but the line all the way from your bedroom to the kitchen sink was truly a sight to be seen!

We feel for you! We have ant horror stories of our own! =)

Daniel said...

Hey again. What's up with the post drought? I want to hear what's new in your lives out there in CA. :o)