Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Update on blog...

As some have pointed out (see comment under "Ants"), we haven't posted anything on our blog for a while. The lack of posting pretty much boils down to prioritizing the time we have, and blogging is on the bottom. It seems like our life keeps moving at full steam, and after working, cooking, cleaning, church, activities perhaps on the weekends, and relaxing somewhat, there's not much time left. I'm working on trying to be more productive by avoiding time wasters like TV, but if I have extra time, I need to devote it to my continuing education (which needs to be done soon) and practicing (which I haven't done since the beginning of June).

I know if I am more disciplined with my time, then I should have time available for other enjoyments. So, until I finish my continuing ed and develop a better routine, my blogging will probably not happen.

I'm open to suggestions...


Sarah M. said...

Any chance you could at least post one or two of the best pics from your trip to Italy????

Anonymous said...

Well, you've got the "demand" so you must meet the needs of your fans! Maybe your husband could take over for a while. If he doesn't feel like journaling, maybe he can do something easy like posting favorite jokes, movies, recipes, anecdotes, etc.

Avril said...

Sometimes blogging falls under the time-waster activities, too :) How are you?

Daniel said...

Shame on you, Joshua Kenneth Briggs. Shame! You have to give your fans what they want...And they want more of the happenings, the exciting life and times of you and Carrie!

Take-home: Less excuses, more blogging.

Thanks! :o)

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Daniel and Anu, the blog was my (Carrie's) idea, so don't be blaming Joshua - he's busier than I am!

Daniel said...

As you wish...

Shame on you, Carrie [Anne?] Briggs. Shame! You have to give your fans what they want...And they want more of the happenings, the exciting life-and-times of you and Josh!

Take-home: Less excuses, more blogging.

Thanks! :o)

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Whatever Daniel. You can ask Joshua my description about your comments :)

Daniel said...

Let me guess..."Wow, Daniel is so wise. I'm so glad you're related to him, Josh." :o)

Anonymous said...

It's Maire, not Anne. ;-)