Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summer or Winter on Memorial Day?

Louisa, my sister-in-law, is out visiting us for Memorial Day. So...we decided to show her beautiful Lake Tahoe...only we could barely see the lake through the drizzling rain. On the way over the summit, it was California...can you tell I'm amazed!!! So, in order to place blame somewhere...Louisa has offered herself up as the guinea goat...I'm not going to call her a least while she is still visiting us...:)

Here are some of the photos we took of beautiful CA with Louisa, Carrie (aka Mommy Briggs-to-be) and me:

1 comment:

Kinsleys5 said...

Oh my goodness! What happened to little Louisa with the blond ringlets?! Hard to believe she's so grown up. Looks like you guys had fun!