Saturday, January 14, 2006

House search...

As many of you already know, Carrie and I have been waiting for a new home builder to release prices for a new home community located in Rancho Cordova, CA (Southeast of Sacramento). They have delayed releasing prices several times for "various reasons" which we know is the Lord ordained.

Additionally, we have become more involved and are in the process of becoming members of River City Grace Community Church in north Sacramento. With that being said, we have, in recent weeks, begun to have a change of thought about where we will settled down. Since Carrie is playing the harp more at church and we are getting involved in different ministries, we are thinking about finding a home in the area around the church.

I've been online looking at homes and then this last Thursday, with a realtor, I saw several homes. One in particular stood out. So today, Carrie and I saw the home again. Carrie and I both really like it although it is slightly out of our price range. It is a home that we both could easily live in and raise a family in.

We are hoping the trend downward continues for a little bit or the owners accept a lowe offer. Please pray for guidance in this matter.


Anonymous said...

I do pray that God will give you clear guidance and wisdom regarding your housing. I hope something happens soon for you guys!

Amy K said...

I can totally empathize with your feelings right now. The waiting period is so hard! We put in five offers and when we lost the first four, it was difficult. But we're so glad God led us to the one He had for us. I know He has the same in store for you. We're so excited for you! Keep us updated as to any news!
