Saturday, February 27, 2010

Carrie and Caleb Update #2!

Well, February 24 seems to be a very, very popular date on both sides of our family!


Caleb Joshua Briggs was born at 10:52AM on February 24, 2010.

Weighing in at 3 lbs 1 oz and measuring 15 inches long.

Not bad considering he was born 10.5 weeks early!

The neonatalogist was especially pleased with Caleb's weight considering the circumstances. He was expecting a 2 - 2.5 lb baby considering that Carrie's membranes tore at 17 weeks gestation and we had been in a perpetual state of amniotic fluid leakage since that time.

Carrie was doing great up until 3 AM on the 24th when she started having contractions. They were able to stop the contractions until around 8:00AM. After that, she started having a temperature and the contractions began in interest.

The perinatalogist decided that since Caleb was in a breach position, they would be doing a c-section. Caleb and God had other plans! Caleb was delivered, butt first and decided that he wasn't waiting for the doctor either. He was actually delivered by a nurse.

Caleb is doing well and is stable in the NICU at Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento. He is currently on a B-CPAP machine to assist with breathing although the amount of O2 required in minimal at 20%. He began getting small (2 ml) amounts of Carrie's colostrum every 4 hours today and is tolerating it very well.

Carrie is rebounding very well and will be discharged tomorrow. I know she is looking forward to holding Josiah again, something she hasn't done in a little over 3 months now!

We have been exceptionally grateful to our parents and families for their support and love during this time as well as to our church family at SOPC!

Carrie and I would like to thank Carrie's mom, Kristi Ireland, for coming out for a week and a half in January to help us out while giving my mom a much needed and deserved break. Josiah really enjoyed bonding with his Grandma Ireland!!! And I know Carrie really liked having her mom here as well! We are looking forward to having you here again soon and have you meet your latest grandson!

Thank you to EVERYONE for your continued prayers throughout this entire journey! Our Lord God has confounded the doctors...Carrie and Caleb made it 12.5 weeks AFTER her membranes tore! Unheard of!!! The knowledge of the prayers being lifted up on our behalf has been overwhelming at times and heartening all the time!

Please continue to pray as we enter a new phase of the journey with Carrie coming home and Caleb remaining at the hospital. We are also praying that Josiah does not get neglected throughout this entire situation and that we find a God honoring balance!

Carrie and I would especially like to recognize my Mom, Darla Briggs, for sacrificing her time and energy over the last 3+months to watch and take care of both Josiah and myself! She has managed to make meals and care for not only Josiah (a rambunctious 15 month old) but also my dad and myself! Thank you so much Mom!!!

May our Lord Jesus Christ continually be lifted up and ALL praise and ALL glory go to Him as we continue this amazing journey of Caleb Joshua Briggs!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Carrie and Caleb Update!

All continues to go well for both Carrie and Caleb! Carrie continues to leak some amniotic fluid daily though the nurses and doctors don't seem to be concerned. We know that the Lord God Almighty has a wonderful plan for Caleb and will use this experience to glorify the Father and the Son!

Please continue to pray that we make it to March 28th....that will be our 34th week gestation and 17th week on strict bed rest!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Josiah w/ therapy dogs in the hospital

Josiah had a HUGE surprise tonight as we were leaving Carrie's hospital room! FOUR therapy dogs were waiting for him in the hallway. The nurses, who all love Josiah (and of course, he flirts with them), had asked the therapy dog program to visit tonight and to wait before going into any rooms so that Josiah would have the opportunity of seeing them.

Oh boy, was he excited or what! There were two King Charles Spaniel dogs, a field Golden Retriever and a yellow Lab. Of course, Josiah is used to being around big dogs so he went to the yellow lab and the field Golden right away, talking non-stop! The whole experience was great to see! One of the King Charles Spaniels was a wee-pup and gave Josiah lots of kisses!

I'm thrilled that Josiah loves animals as much as I do! Now, I just need to teach him two things: (1) being gentle with animals he doesn't know and (2) reading their behavior and body language to determine friendly or not!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

29th week completed...5 weeks to go!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Carrie is in excellent spirits! We've now completed 12 weeks of strict bed rest with 5 weeks to go! Caleb had a sonogram done on Tuesday and the Perinatalogist was extremely pleased with our progress thus far. Normal is G-R-E-A-T!!!!

Caleb Update:

2 lbs 13 oz
Strong heartbeat: 150-155 bpm
9 cm of amniotic fluid which is excellent considering that Carrie has been leaking everyday and 9 cm is on the low end of NORMAL!!!!

Our nurse last night said that Carrie was the 3rd longest stay at 20 days. She also said that Carrie was doing so well that they would let her decide how many times the nurse would come in to check on her. Carrie opted for sleeping through the night without being disturbed! Get it while you can...that is what I say, because when Caleb comes...who knows? :-)

Josiah and I continue to make the pilgrimage every day to the hospital for our Honey and Mommy time! Josiah has become a favorite of ALL the nurses and staff! What a flirt! He has decided that he likes to walk down the hall, get on the elevator and then walk off the elevator to Mommy's room. :-) What a little man he is becoming!

Thank you everyone who continues to lift our family up in prayer! We couldn't do it without the prayer support and grace and strength God gives us everyday!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Completed: 10 weeks of strict bed rest... has been 5 weeks since I updated the blog. Life has been rather full and eventful!

Carrie is now in residence at Sutter Memorial's High Risk Maternity Ward. We've completed 10 weeks of strict bed rest and Caleb is now starting his 28 week gestation.

At 26 weeks gestation, the Perinatalogist that is handling our case felt that it was time to be admitted to the hospital since we have reached the point of viability and we didn't want to risk things going from really good to really bad, really fast. On Monday, Feb. 1, we were admitted and Carrie and Caleb's vitals all looked good. Caleb measured (using a high-definition ultrasound) at 2 lbs 4 oz and had a strong heartbeat of 155 bpm. The Perinatalogist on hospital rounds this week kept saying how great Carrie and Caleb are doing even though the rate of leaks Carrie is having has increased. He would like to see us get to 35-36 weeks gestation. :)

Carrie really likes all of the nurses that she has had so far. They have all been really nice and encouraging to Carrie. Carrie is keeping busy reading on the amazing Amazon Kindle that Aunt Barbara got for her! What an AWESOME gift! She is so totally using and enjoying it! Carrie also has been making great use of her cell phone (yikes) (probably easiest way to get a hold of her).

We've been so blessed by the prayers that have been offered on behalf of both Carrie and Caleb from across our nation and beyond. I know that my parents have an entire network interceding daily on behalf of Carrie and Caleb including their Sunday School class, Life Together group, Book Club, etc. Additionally, Carrie's parents have an amazing network of family and friends praying on behalf of us as well.

I would be here all night thanking those that are lifting us up in prayer! Just know that we love you and appreciate your demonstration of love in prayer!

Josiah is doing great! He is handling all the changes like a trouper! He is walking ALL over the place and is generally an exceptionally happy little man. Our new schedule is: wake up, have breakfast, drive to Grandma and Grandpa Briggs, Daddy goes to work, pick up Josiah around 5PM, drive to the hospital to visit Mommy, and drive home to go to bed. Pretty boring...but we are starting to get the hang of it. :)

I'm so proud of Carrie! I can't even imagine what it would be like to have to lie flat on one side, flip to the other side and repeat....ALL day long!

Please continue to pray for peace, strength and contentment as we go through this process! We know that it has been your prayers that have sustained us!

Until the next post, may God bless you and keep you grounded in His Word!

Have a blessed night!

Joshua, Carrie, Josiah and (in utero) Caleb