Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Josiah w/ therapy dogs in the hospital

Josiah had a HUGE surprise tonight as we were leaving Carrie's hospital room! FOUR therapy dogs were waiting for him in the hallway. The nurses, who all love Josiah (and of course, he flirts with them), had asked the therapy dog program to visit tonight and to wait before going into any rooms so that Josiah would have the opportunity of seeing them.

Oh boy, was he excited or what! There were two King Charles Spaniel dogs, a field Golden Retriever and a yellow Lab. Of course, Josiah is used to being around big dogs so he went to the yellow lab and the field Golden right away, talking non-stop! The whole experience was great to see! One of the King Charles Spaniels was a wee-pup and gave Josiah lots of kisses!

I'm thrilled that Josiah loves animals as much as I do! Now, I just need to teach him two things: (1) being gentle with animals he doesn't know and (2) reading their behavior and body language to determine friendly or not!

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