Sunday, February 07, 2010

Completed: 10 weeks of strict bed rest... has been 5 weeks since I updated the blog. Life has been rather full and eventful!

Carrie is now in residence at Sutter Memorial's High Risk Maternity Ward. We've completed 10 weeks of strict bed rest and Caleb is now starting his 28 week gestation.

At 26 weeks gestation, the Perinatalogist that is handling our case felt that it was time to be admitted to the hospital since we have reached the point of viability and we didn't want to risk things going from really good to really bad, really fast. On Monday, Feb. 1, we were admitted and Carrie and Caleb's vitals all looked good. Caleb measured (using a high-definition ultrasound) at 2 lbs 4 oz and had a strong heartbeat of 155 bpm. The Perinatalogist on hospital rounds this week kept saying how great Carrie and Caleb are doing even though the rate of leaks Carrie is having has increased. He would like to see us get to 35-36 weeks gestation. :)

Carrie really likes all of the nurses that she has had so far. They have all been really nice and encouraging to Carrie. Carrie is keeping busy reading on the amazing Amazon Kindle that Aunt Barbara got for her! What an AWESOME gift! She is so totally using and enjoying it! Carrie also has been making great use of her cell phone (yikes) (probably easiest way to get a hold of her).

We've been so blessed by the prayers that have been offered on behalf of both Carrie and Caleb from across our nation and beyond. I know that my parents have an entire network interceding daily on behalf of Carrie and Caleb including their Sunday School class, Life Together group, Book Club, etc. Additionally, Carrie's parents have an amazing network of family and friends praying on behalf of us as well.

I would be here all night thanking those that are lifting us up in prayer! Just know that we love you and appreciate your demonstration of love in prayer!

Josiah is doing great! He is handling all the changes like a trouper! He is walking ALL over the place and is generally an exceptionally happy little man. Our new schedule is: wake up, have breakfast, drive to Grandma and Grandpa Briggs, Daddy goes to work, pick up Josiah around 5PM, drive to the hospital to visit Mommy, and drive home to go to bed. Pretty boring...but we are starting to get the hang of it. :)

I'm so proud of Carrie! I can't even imagine what it would be like to have to lie flat on one side, flip to the other side and repeat....ALL day long!

Please continue to pray for peace, strength and contentment as we go through this process! We know that it has been your prayers that have sustained us!

Until the next post, may God bless you and keep you grounded in His Word!

Have a blessed night!

Joshua, Carrie, Josiah and (in utero) Caleb


Rachelle said...

Oh Carrie...I wish I could do some of your bed rest and you could do some of my chasing children around. I have a feeling you'll be more grateful than some of us when you are busy running after two boys.

Sooo glad that Caleb is continuing to do well. Stay put for the longest month or so of your life. :)

Dee Dee said...

SO relieved! I was worried! Thank you, Lord!