Saturday, February 20, 2010

29th week completed...5 weeks to go!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Carrie is in excellent spirits! We've now completed 12 weeks of strict bed rest with 5 weeks to go! Caleb had a sonogram done on Tuesday and the Perinatalogist was extremely pleased with our progress thus far. Normal is G-R-E-A-T!!!!

Caleb Update:

2 lbs 13 oz
Strong heartbeat: 150-155 bpm
9 cm of amniotic fluid which is excellent considering that Carrie has been leaking everyday and 9 cm is on the low end of NORMAL!!!!

Our nurse last night said that Carrie was the 3rd longest stay at 20 days. She also said that Carrie was doing so well that they would let her decide how many times the nurse would come in to check on her. Carrie opted for sleeping through the night without being disturbed! Get it while you can...that is what I say, because when Caleb comes...who knows? :-)

Josiah and I continue to make the pilgrimage every day to the hospital for our Honey and Mommy time! Josiah has become a favorite of ALL the nurses and staff! What a flirt! He has decided that he likes to walk down the hall, get on the elevator and then walk off the elevator to Mommy's room. :-) What a little man he is becoming!

Thank you everyone who continues to lift our family up in prayer! We couldn't do it without the prayer support and grace and strength God gives us everyday!

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