Sunday, November 16, 2008

Announcing the arrival...

Josiah Kenneth Briggs

November 16, 2008
10:35 AM
6 lbs 1 oz
18 inches long
Apgar score: 9 and 9

Carrie did a phenomenal job! Labored for only a little over 8 hours! We got to the hospital at 8:00 AM and she delivered at 10:35 AM.

We are so blessed to have a healthy son and a healthy delivery!


Stacy said...

Yay!! The Mitchells can't wait to meet him in person!

The Richmond Four said...

Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the beautiful family. :)

lindsay said...

Congrats! I can't wait to meet him

Discipula said...

Congratulations! The Weitz family is so excited for you! :) Post pics and give Carrie and Josiah a big hug from me. Now, if you guys were back in VA I could provide babysitters...just like Carrie babysat for our babies!

Christina said...

WOOOOHOOOO!!!!! YAY!!! Congratulations! And what a blessing the the delivery went quick and smoothly! YAY!! =) I can't wait to snuggle that little guy!

Anonymous said...

Don't you know you can't post something like this without pictures!! Can't wait to meet him! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to meet my new nephew! =)

Chad, Joanna and Emmie said...

Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! We're so happy to hear of the safe arrivial. Can't wait to see pictures! Good job Carrie!

Sarah M. said...

Congratulations (again)! So glad to hear that the labor went well and sounds like it went pretty fast.

Gluten Free Baking Queen said...

- Rejoyce

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Josh and Carrie! Anu and I are thrilled to have another nephew added to the Briggs clan! Hopefully we'll get to meet the little guy soon.